I really hope this series is alive and kicking. Or at least alive. Its getting rarer to see good stuff like this on NG.
I really hope this series is alive and kicking. Or at least alive. Its getting rarer to see good stuff like this on NG.
it's alive, just not necessarily kicking. I'm working on the 4th one still.
He gets revived in the next game, Megaman X2.
I would have bought this game and its system if Megaman was in it (Although I prefer the X version).
The DBZ+Kirby 64 Reference completely made it for me. And the song.
did you mean to say "When I'm out of Lube"?
Or does that just happen to ryhme...?
Anyways, your more popular than you think, I don't see how you can NOT find a gal.
On the bright side, now you can legally hang out with two new friends if you get depressed;the Russian named Vodka and a Flamin hot Hispanic Tequila
Secret Ending please.
My guess: Its that he's gonna grow even older and then get married, or that its gonna involve Love somehow.
So much epicness does not fit in this small screen. Should be put in a much larger screen, with HD sound blasting in a surround sound system.
I never thought it would actually be fun to watch a pokemon battle.
This.is.how.pokemon.should be.
not all bad, kinda short, and I really liked how the rock evolved weapon wise. But I feel it is lacking something, although unsure what that is myself.
Despite what people have been saying, and all the negative reviews, I think this is much much better than the flashes that have recently been making front page. I think you earned that postion.
On the other hand, since this wan't straight 8-bit, this would have been better in full color, with parts of the story in black and white to match it better.
This was very well animated. However, the audio was horrible. The Cigar sounded menacing, but you can't really understand a word it says. I suggest you clear that part up a bit.
Thank you. Yeah the audio is a probem. One reason we can't understand him is he's singing the Klingon war song (I lowered the pitch and gave some reverb). I might redo the audio when I have a chance.
Age 32, Male
Somewhere in Texas
Joined on 10/28/11